
Showing posts from February, 2024

Production: The Final Pieces!

 Hello blog and welcome back to the final bit of how me and my group edited the film. This is the last part of what went down when we edited the film. As mentioned previously our group decided that it was best that we had "shifts" to edit the film. This was so everyone can have a fair share when editing the film. After I left the film with the amount of cutting I did even though it still needed some more cutting. I logged back on and noticed a lot was done since I edited. For example it was below the 2 minute mark. I noticed a lot more transitions and effect were added. The group did a lot but that does not mean that it is complete. There was still things that were needed and it was noticeable as well. When I got into my "shift", I logged in and quickly watched the film as if it was complete. First thing I did was think to myself what I could add that could make the film better. When I thought to myself I also remembered that one vital thing was not yet in the film....

Production: Tweaking the film!

Hey blog! This is going to be a continue about how me and my group members were editing our film for our Final Task. To begin the process of actually editing we thought of this. We decided that it would be fair that each one of us would take shifts. This is similar to having a job in a way. With this plan it would be so everyone would get an equal opportunity on editing the film. This also gives us a chance to see what the others have done. If anything like one of us does something that was not needed or liked as much, we can bring it up and then agree on something or suggest something else to that particular edit. It was then my turn to start editing. I had the second "shift". When I logged on I noticed all of the clips were in chronological order. However I did notice that when all of them were put together It was well over our two minute. I then decided to cut a bunch off that were not as relevant to the film. It minimized the time a lot but it was still over. I thought th...

Production: The beginning of the completion

 Hey blog! Like as I mentioned in the last blog we have finished filming. Now what's next? We needed to figure out how to edit the short film and make it one. We got together and started discussing what was a must that needed to be in the film. In this discussion we tried figuring out what app we would use to edit the film. We first did what anyone would do and look up some editing apps. Apart from apps we also got on the web and searched up programs. Some apps or programs cost money and decided that those are not an option. This was cause we found it unreasonable to buy an app or program and use it a few times even though sometimes these apps or programs have certain features that are not accessible in free ones. There were a couple of apps that were free that we were considering. Theses apps were Capcut, Picsart, and Video Star. Ultimately we decided on using Capcut. This was because Capcut isn't "new" to me and a member as it was used in our other project. Therefor...

Production: The Final Cut!

 Hey blog I'm back once again! This is going to be the last blog talking about the filming process. So just like the other blogs this blog will be focusing on one scene. First things first, I had to go get in the car and pick up the members. After that I had to drive to the park again. It's actually quite a drive it's like a good 30 minutes from picking everyone and driving to the park. Today tho when we arrived, I never mentioned that its a city park and the day we chose it was a day that charged. We had to pay a small fee of a few dollars wasn't much. When we got through we had to go to our spot or near out spot. This was because since it's the last scene we didn't have to be in the exact spot as before. Just in a familiar area that still gave off a forest vibe for the film. Anyways, we set everything up like always. We began recording, messed up a couple of lines. So we had to do a couple of retakes. When some of us were not in the film we would hold the came...

Production: The continuing!

 Hey Blog welcome back. This blog will be the second blog about how me and my group filmed our opening. Like last time I had to go pick up the majority of the group. We also had to record at the same place because we did not switch scenery at all from the first scene to the second. Once we al arrived we had to wait on the rest of the group. Then eventually we had to set everything back up like before. Once everything was all set up we quickly discussed the scene. In the discussion we also reviewed each line(s) that we would do. We began to film! We messed up about a handful of times. This was because we laughed on some occasion or just forgot our line. For some parts that I was not needed I would hold the camera and record it. I did this because I wasn't in the scene and only a select were in it so it made sense to grab the phone and record. I was not the only one who did this as some other members had to do this when they were not in the scene. It did not take long and the second ...

Production: Action!

 Hey blog I'm back and today is the start of filming this masterpiece! This was difficult because some of us had many things to do and we're really busy and barely had time to meet up. We all either had work, or just other classes gave us homework and it would be very time consuming. When we finally were able to meet up I had to pick up the majority of the people that were in the film. As mentioned before in a previous blog we were going to record this in park. The park was selected because it had a bunch of tress and it gave us a feeling like we were in a forest. This blog will mainly focus on scene 1. In this scene we were all present. This scene was mainly about the start of an ongoing investigation. Before we began filing we had to set up the camera. We also made sure that everyone had everything they needed. Like hats, gloves, just things that they would need for this scene. It was much but I felt like it was very much needed because it would show character in the film esp...

Production: Preparing the Essentials

 Hey blog, welcome back once again! Today I will be talking about how me and my group basically got prepared for the upcoming film. Me and my group members gathered together and we discussed what we would need for clothes and just in general to try to make the film the best we can. It was a bit simple for some uniform or what they would wear. For example the detectives would just wear a button up and that could be them. The police officer would wear a blue shirt and a hat. However since I am a forensic scientist it was a bit difficult because some of them wear like an entire specific suit and budgeting is tight. So I thought that I would wear a type of black shirt as this is also sometimes what they would wear when they are not at a crime scene. I would need some type of props to make it seem like I am doing my work also in the film. There were many things I wanted to use or just have that would've gave my character a better look. This is because I play a forensic scientist sometim...

Production: Song Suggestion!

 Hey blog, I'm back once again. Today I will be looking into the music that hopefully will be used in our short film. To begin I grabbed my laptop, and sat down at my desk. I thought to myself what could be used in the short film. I wanted some specific songs but I could not use them because of ownership they had and because they were pretty big song. This meant that they had rights for their songs and would need permission on being able to use their song in just about anything. I really wanted to use or suggest some of the songs because I felt that they would have fit right into our film. However, I remembered my teacher then talked about how we can use some songs that we find on YouTube that are copyright free. So I did that as she said. I opened up Youtube and searched "copyright free songs and royalty free music". Immediately a bunch of them came up. I was listening to a bunch but I couldn't really find a song that struck me to give my short film vibes. After a bi...