Production: Action!
Hey blog I'm back and today is the start of filming this masterpiece! This was difficult because some of us had many things to do and we're really busy and barely had time to meet up. We all either had work, or just other classes gave us homework and it would be very time consuming. When we finally were able to meet up I had to pick up the majority of the people that were in the film. As mentioned before in a previous blog we were going to record this in park. The park was selected because it had a bunch of tress and it gave us a feeling like we were in a forest. This blog will mainly focus on scene 1. In this scene we were all present. This scene was mainly about the start of an ongoing investigation. Before we began filing we had to set up the camera. We also made sure that everyone had everything they needed. Like hats, gloves, just things that they would need for this scene. It was much but I felt like it was very much needed because it would show character in the film especially in this scene. This also allowed there be less confusion between the characters. The scene was not so hard to act out. This is because there was not much movement nor dialogue that was in it. The only part that was considered "hard" was just messing up our lines. I think it came out pretty well. Next blog I will be talking about how we recorded the second scene. See you guys later!
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