Production: Tweaking the film!

Hey blog! This is going to be a continue about how me and my group members were editing our film for our Final Task. To begin the process of actually editing we thought of this. We decided that it would be fair that each one of us would take shifts. This is similar to having a job in a way. With this plan it would be so everyone would get an equal opportunity on editing the film. This also gives us a chance to see what the others have done. If anything like one of us does something that was not needed or liked as much, we can bring it up and then agree on something or suggest something else to that particular edit. It was then my turn to start editing. I had the second "shift". When I logged on I noticed all of the clips were in chronological order. However I did notice that when all of them were put together It was well over our two minute. I then decided to cut a bunch off that were not as relevant to the film. It minimized the time a lot but it was still over. I thought the others should contribute on the cutting and leave the few seconds over on the time. From there I began to see how it would look all together like the raw footage. It looked really good. It needed a bunch of effects and even some transitions. That basically summarized my "shift" of the editing process. I'll see you guys next time to explain the rest and see how much it has progressed!


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