Production: Preparing the Essentials
Hey blog, welcome back once again! Today I will be talking about how me and my group basically got prepared for the upcoming film. Me and my group members gathered together and we discussed what we would need for clothes and just in general to try to make the film the best we can. It was a bit simple for some uniform or what they would wear. For example the detectives would just wear a button up and that could be them. The police officer would wear a blue shirt and a hat. However since I am a forensic scientist it was a bit difficult because some of them wear like an entire specific suit and budgeting is tight. So I thought that I would wear a type of black shirt as this is also sometimes what they would wear when they are not at a crime scene. I would need some type of props to make it seem like I am doing my work also in the film. There were many things I wanted to use or just have that would've gave my character a better look. This is because I play a forensic scientist sometimes their attire is a bit complicated. I searched up forensic scientist and what popped up was them wearing a special suit. I in fact could not replicate this because the suit would cost money and it was expensive. However when they were not wearing this suit they would be wearing uniform and this uniform various depending on where they work. So I decided that I will stick with a nice button shirt or polo. However there were things that I can use like props to give my character a bit of pop to show I'm not similar to the detective or officer. I figured I can use some gloves since gloves are always used in a crime scene and my phone to take pictures of the crime or the investigation going on. Aside from that we also discussed how we would film this project and we decided it's best to be recorded on a phone. This is because some phones nowadays have a better camera than actual cameras. Not only that but we would have to buy a camera and we are on a strict budget.
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