An Honest Feedback
Hello blog i'm back! This blog is not a usually blog about how me and my other group members produced the film. Instead this blog is one that was made after we finished editing. Before we show you guys we wanted an honest opinion of how it was. So with that being said we showed a friend our short film. We gave them time to watch the film. At first they didn't say a word but watched it throughly. Then after they said that it's a good film and that it leaves a cliffhanger which want people to keep watching it. They said that it has a good story. Our acting could be a bit better but it's acceptable. However they made a valid point on one of the scenes and made us do some thinking. Overall they said that our film was very good and want to see it in when it's finally done. We thanked them for the honest comment. After that we got together in a group and discussed what needed to be done to make this finally done. We realized that we needed to reshoot our scene We tried our best to arrange a date for this. This was a but difficult as before we all have our own things and we also had friends in the film with us so we had to tell them what was up. However this time it was different because this was close to the deadline. Therefore we said that we would go based off of when the most people are available because the due date was so close. We have a date set now it's time to refilm! Ill be back!
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